Strathblane Wildlife Sanctuary

Strathblane Wildlife Sanctuary working group report     27th February 2023

1. Meetings

The AGM will be held at 19:00 on 29th March in the Library (or the Village Club, if the Library is not open – to be confirmed).  Anybody is welcome to attend.

2. Recent developments.

During two days in late January around 20 children and 10 adult volunteers more or less completed the planting of the second batch of trees this winter, despite the ground being frozen on the first day.  In acknowledging and thanking them for their help and commitment, each child was presented with a SWS Young Ambassador medal made of wood.

3. Future work

Due to the wintry conditions, little further work is being undertaken currently.  However, new plans will be outlined at the AGM next month.

Andy Thompson

[SCDT Liaison Director]

Wildlife Sanctuary: 17 December 2022